Acabo de enviar a actualizar mi Valentine One para poder verificar la mejora en el modo Euro asi como para poder salir de dudas de si ha habido o nó mejora en distancias respecto a versiones anteriores. De momento en este artículo y para que os hagais a la idea voy a informar de los costes de actualización gastos de envio no incluidos.
He pasado por el apartado de actualizaciones de la web de Valentine los dos Valentine que tenemos en AntiRadares Blog, asi que os paso lo que me responde para que os hagais a la idea tanto en precio como en lo que conlleva la actualización.
Valentine One 2007 – $189 plus shipping
Our V1.85 Upgrade* for this series of V1 will produce the following benefits:
Traffic Monitor Filter eliminates false alarms caused by SpeedInfo, a traffic-flow monitoring system that sends frequent K-band radar bursts into the traffic stream. This software algorithm is installed at the factory but not activated. For activation instructions, click here.
Extended Serial Protocol (ESP) enhances two-way communication with future peripheral devices (details to be announced).
*One-year limited warranty starting at upgrade date, same as new units.
— Upgrade to V1.85: As soon as we receive your old unit (in operable condition with no tampering of the serial number) we’ll replace two circuit boards and install revised firmware, then return it to you in the shortest possible time with a new serial number to indicate its revised capability.
Valentine One 2010 – $79 plus shipping
Our V1.85 Upgrade* for this series of V1 will produce the following benefits:
Traffic Monitor Filter eliminates false alarms caused by SpeedInfo, a traffic-flow monitoring system that sends frequent K-band radar bursts into the traffic stream. This software algorithm is installed at the factory but not activated. For activation instructions, click here.
Extended Serial Protocol (ESP) enhances two-way communication with future peripheral devices (details to be announced).
*One-year limited warranty starting at upgrade date, same as new units.
— Upgrade to V1.85: As soon as we receive your old unit (in operable condition with no tampering of the serial number) we’ll replace a circuit board and install revised firmware, then return it to you in the shortest possible time with a new serial number to indicate its revised capability.
Presupuesto de actualización y formas de envio
Para un presupuesto de actualización de vuestro Valentine One podeis hacerlo desde este enlace de la web de Valentine One. Para información sobre el método de actualización y envio lo mejor es que os pongais en contacto con el punto de venta donde lo comprasteis.